Bhutila Karpoche MPP/Députée/གྲོས་ཚོགས་འཐུས་མི། Parkdale—High Park

Government of Ontario

Ban Single-Use Plastics

You can also download and print this petition here.

WHEREAS Ontario is known around the world for its iconic, pure and pristine waters;
WHEREAS 85% of marine litter affecting beaches and waterways worldwide is made up of plastic waste material, plastics are also littering Ontario’s beaches and waterways, polluting our ecosystems and fisheries, affecting our health, tourism and industry;
WHEREAS throw-away single-use plastics, including foam food containers, plastic bags, cigarette butts, plastic beverage bottles, plastic straws and stirrers, plastic packaging and wrappers, and plastic bottle caps, are by-and-large the most frequently-polluted items found littering our beaches, rivers and waterways;
WHEREAS the amount of plastic debris that litters our shorelines has increased drastically in recent decades and efforts thus far have failed to curb pollution;
WHEREAS throw-away plastics like plastic straws, stir sticks etc. are used once then sent to landfills;
WE THE UNDERSIGNED petition the Legislative Assembly of Ontario to develop consumption reduction targets, establish lifecycle obligations for producers, and ultimately implement a complete ban on consumer single-use plastics by 2024.

71 signatures

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