Bhutila Karpoche MPP/Députée/གྲོས་ཚོགས་འཐུས་མི། Parkdale—High Park

Government of Ontario

Make Affordable Housing a Priority

You can also download and print this petition here.


WHEREAS for families throughout much of Ontario, owning a home they can afford remains a dream, while renting is painfully expensive;

WHEREAS consecutive Conservative and Liberal governments have sat idle, while housing costs spiralled out of control, speculators made fortunes, and too many families had to put their hopes on hold;

WHEREAS every Ontarian should have access to safe, affordable housing. Whether a family wants to rent or own; live in a house, an apartment, a condominium or a co-op, they should have affordable options;

THEREFORE we the undersigned petition the Legislative Assembly of Ontario as follows: to immediately prioritize the repair of Ontario’s social housing stock, commit to building new affordable homes, crack down on housing speculators, and make rentals more affordable through rent controls and updated legislation.

87 signatures

Will you sign?