Bhutila Karpoche MPP/Députée/གྲོས་ཚོགས་འཐུས་མི། Parkdale—High Park

Government of Ontario

Protect Vulnerable Road Users (Pass the Moving Ontarians Safely Act)


WHEREAS vulnerable road users are not specifically protected by law;

WHEREAS Ontario’s Highway Traffic Act allows drivers who seriously injure or kill a vulnerable road user to avoid meaningful consequences, facing only minimal fines;

WHEREAS the friends and families of victims are unsatisfied with the lack of consequences and the government’s responses to traffic accidents that result in death or injury to a vulnerable road user,

THEREFORE WE THE UNDERSIGNED petition the Legislative Assembly of Ontario to:

  • Direct the Government of Ontario to commit to reducing the number of traffic fatalities and injuries to vulnerable road users;
  • Create meaningful consequences that ensure responsibility and accountability for drivers who share the road with pedestrians, cyclists, road construction workers, emergency responders, and other vulnerable road users;
  • Allow friends and family of vulnerable road users whose death or serious injury was caused by an offending driver to have their victim impact statement heard in person in court by the driver responsible; and,
  • Pass the Moving Ontarians Safely Act.
156 signatures

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